Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Reading Bhaba's Arrivals and Departures made me think of a newspaper article I once read concerning a man's avatar and his avatar "wife". Since this man was married in real life, the author of the article questioned whether he was being unfaithful to his real wife when he spent time with the avatar. He had created a world for himself, with a job, friends, everything. It seems that he had become addicted to another reality which existed primarily in his mind. So was he in exile in the sense that Bhaba means? An online connection is something forced upon people these days, and according to Bhaba, an essential component of exile is the feeling of being forced.
The online communities that exist today have more or less requirents, but it is always separate from the physical world-- messages get lost in translation, and people are free to present themselves differently. Since we need it so today, it seems that our online world is a world of exile.

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