Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Detainees Speak

I am sorry, my brother.
The shackles bind my hands
And iron is circling the place where I sleep.

I am sorry, my brother,
That I cannot help the elderly or the widow or the little child

Do not weigh the death of a man as a sign of defeat.
The only shame is in betraying your ideals
And failing to stand by your beliefs.

- "I Am Sorry, My Brother," by Abdulraheem Mohammad

This novel was so touching. People are so quick to send others to jail, but we never hear their story and what they are going through. Reading these poems reminded me of my sister, who was imprisoned for three years. Whenever we would speak to her about what she went through in prison, her stories are unbearable. These detainees were exiled from the only place they call home to be tortured and mistreated. Falkoff really made us see their views and open our eyes.

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