Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Reading Lolita in Tehran and the lack of Colors

Reading Lolita in Tehran is deeper than just the mere act of reading lolita, it is the act of creating a parallel dimension under the name of literature. It is a memoir of the creation of colors in a moment and place in time in which everything seems clear. Nafisi mentions her fascination about the idea of creating colors of from dreams she says: The color of my dreams, I repeated to myself [...]I liked that. How many people get a chance to paint colors of their dreams?(11). What she does not seem to realize is that, that is exactly what she creates for herself and the girls through the exploration of various literary works and their colorful characters.
Furthermore, this book is about exile,but not just any exile, the exile of a woman in her own country "This is Tehran for me: Its absences were more real than its presences." (Nafisi 5). Nafisi establishes the fact that being in tehran was the lack and nostalgia for what she remembered of her native country, as if returning to her homeland in 1979 was the same as destroying every single one of the memories that she had ever created.

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