Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nafisi's Tale

This story is a certain example of exile because Nafisi was forever banned from teaching and her friend explained “You are aware….that you are more and more withdrawing into yourself, and now that you have cut your relations with the university, your whole contact with the outside world will be mainly restricted to one room” (11). Nafisi did resign from teaching on her own because of the unfair treatment of the university to teach her own lessons. Iran, where the story took place, is seen as a dictatorship because students as well as professors were reprimanded if rules were not followed.
It is sad to see that in this stage at life that people are still unable to do whatever they please. To have to undermine higher school officials and read forbidden topics is something that is still common in certain parts of the world. Countries like Iran should leave it up to the discretion of the professor to decide what should be read.

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