Wednesday, April 2, 2008

After reading Nabokov’s “Lolita”, Nafisi’s”reading Lolita in Tehran” was unable to keep my interest. i understood that it was a memoir but because of the title I figured that it would have much more to do with Nabokov’s “Lolita”. Overall I got the feeling that the book was more about women/feminist empowerment, more then the decision of the book “Lolita”. Even so, "Lolita" was not the only forbidden book that was read. In some ways Nafisi sets this up by defining the living room where she held her classes as a symbol of her “nomadic and borrowed life”. She also speaks of how Nobokov is a hero because he “refuses to be like the rest of us”. I think the goal of the author was to focus more on what Nabokov accomplished in writing Lolita,more then the novel itself. At any rate this was disappointing because I imagining their decisions and opinions to be more interesting. I'm not sure how this book was suppose to be read.

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