Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Exile at home?

The article "Projected Memories", by Marianne Hirsch touches on a very specific and real aspect of the exile lived by those who have family members that, went through the holocaust and/or were part of the holocaust themselves but can not remember its atrocity. These individuals can neither live in the past nor the present. They are constantly haunted by a past that they cannot relate to, and they live their present trying to understand what was it, that, happened in the past, so that their life and their family's life would become "public history". It seems like, their place in society, history and most importantly at home is constantly blurred by external memories that are untouchable to them.
When reading this article all that came to my mind was that, even though their families wanted to make them feel at home, and society wanted to acknowledge them (and their family immense struggle) they only drove them further away, and isolated them more than ever; Like in Maus.

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