Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Consistency of Postmemory with link to Maus.

During the reading, the consistency of postmemory is used in this story. In my opinion, some memories of the past, particulary those of the Halocaust should be left as a memory, simply because of the effect it had on a particular ethnic group. The reason being is that no one wants to recall these experiences. However in Hirsch's story, pictures are the primary use for the rememberance of the Halocaust. Also childhood experiences of the Halocaust are discussed. Hirsch seems to be basing her ideas of postmemory from the pictures that still remain of the 1940s and 50s.
With reference to what Jason said, it does in fact relate to Maus. The importance of memory is used as well in Spiegelman's story to create the story of Maus and to relive the experience. All of Hirsch's life is on factural memory of her past, and the interest she takes on defining the term postmemory.

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