Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Audience of Borderlands, Anzaldua

Anzaldua writes in a way that does not seem as though she is speaking to any one Audience. Although there is definitely a sense that there are some things that only Mexican-Americans can relate to, -because of the some Spanish slang that is only understood in Mexico; for her, the reader is everyone: the Immigrant, the Homosexual, and the Feminist, to name a few. So many can relate to the story this woman is telling.
Part of why this is could be due to her being a "hybrid-identity." Nowadays, in America, there are so many people who might be seen as being hybrids. With the interactions of so many cultures in schools and the workplace, there seems to be less of a trend for someone to define themselves as any one thing.
It is so provocative to think that in America, everyone is everything (or at least more than they used to be), which allows all people to identify with others through ever-growing ties that bind and almost forces all to recognize that they are responsible for, but more importantly, are like, one another.

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