Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Help! I'm trapped in a human body!

The dilemma put forth in "is any body home?" is something that I had not previously considered as a form of exile. Vivian Sobchack starts off by asking "who of us is 'at home' in our bodies?" It seems strange to articulate this question. In truth though, who feels at home in their body throughout their entire life? When we are young most of us are blissfully ignorant of the physical ideals that we will later want to live up to. Every person goes through at least one point in their life when they feel that their body does not meet certain standards. Whether this is because of physical conditioning or physical appearance, we all experience the desire to "better" our bodies. Sobchack's personal example is more extreme than most people experience. Through her extreme example it becomes clear that we all go through similar training processes. Some train their body's to be stronger or better looking. Some people train their body's in less obvious ways such as for perfect posture. However we do it, it is inevitable that we all train our bodies in some way or another to make our selves feel more at home in our body's. In this way we may not be exiled from our bodies physically but we are estranged and exiled emotionally. -- Ian

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